Improving your Wrist Mobility
/A lack of proper wrist mobility can limit the ability for people in movements like cleans, front squats, overhead squats, etc. We have been hearing comments from members like, "my wrist get very sore" or my forearms are getting a shooting pain." Poor wrist mobility (which is most likely is tied to poor thoracic posture) can be the product of many factors, such as typing on a keyboard or playing on your smart phone all too often. There are remedies and we want to reduce the amount of people with this problem. Below are some great preventative and proactive movements that can be done to improve wrist mobility:
A. Wrist Rotations. Wrap your fingers up and roll your wrists around in every direction. If any position feels tender or limited try to hold that position for a few seconds. This should be done a few times throughout your day; not only in the gym.
B. Static Holds. Pull or push your wrists into flexion and/or extension and hold for a minimum of 20-30 seconds.
C. Prayers. Standing, place your hands together in front of your body. Keeping contact between your hands, lower them. Go as far as possible. The longer you can keep them together, the better the stretch. At the bottom, reverse your hands so fingers are pointing down, keep your hands together, and bring your hands back up.
D. Wrist Walks. Place palms on a wall in front of you, with your arms straight and fingers toward the ceiling. Keep contact with the wall and walk your hands down the wall. Move your hands down the wall as far as you can while keeping your palms from coming off the wall. When you cannot go any further, turn your hand around and walk your wrists back up the wall as far as possible.
E. Planche push-up position. Get into a plank position. Turn you hands inward so the tips of your fingers are pointing at your toes. Keeping your mid-section tight, shift your body forward so you have an angle from your shoulders to your wrists. Hold this for about 30 seconds and repeat. If this is too much, try dropping to your knees.
F. Front Squat Rack Position. If you have pain when you are getting into the front rack position of a front squat then we need to work the range of motion required for a proper front squat. Your shoulders should be holding the bar in its proper position, but good wrist mobility helps get the bar and keep the bar in its correct position. Load a bar on a rack. Set up in the rack position, with your elbows up and pointing as far forward as possible and the weight resting on your shoulders. Pick the bar off the rack rotate your elbows forward, then re-rack the bar. Repeat until you see an improvement in mobility.
G. Ring Push-ups. Adjust the height of the rings (the lower the rings the harder the exercise). Grip the rings, keeping your body straight and legs fully extended behind you. Slowly lower yourself towards the rings. Pause at the bottom of the movement and then push yourself back up. Try not to lock out your elbows to maintain tension throughout the movement. Repeat.
H. Double Kettlebell Rack Walk. Take a kettlebell in each hand. Lift the kettlebells to your chin so your wrists face one another. Rest the kettlebells on your upper arms and shoulders. Walk forward and hold the kettlebells in the same position throughout the entire exercise.
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